Be aware of tax obligations when investing in cryptoassets

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) and its Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) have issued a press release today warning Cryptoasset investors to keep up-to-date records to ensure they pay the right amount of tax.
There is particular concern that public awareness of the tax position is low, despite investment in Crypoassets becoming increasingly popular.
Now the capital gains tax (CGT) annual exemption has fallen to £3,000, more investors that ever will need to pay tax and report this to HMRC on a tax return.
For reporting 2024/25 onwards, tax returns will contain a dedicated section to gains arising from cryptoasset disposals. But the CIOT and LITRG is calling on HMRC and the government to help ensure all those who invest are fully aware of the tax implications, and on investors to make sure they keep proper records.
Gary Ashford, president of the CIOT and chair of the CIOT’s Cryptoassets Working Group, said:
“A dedicated cryptoasset section within tax returns is a definite step in the right direction to ensure relevant transactions are reported to HMRC. However, those who might need to report cryptoasset activity on their 2024/25 tax return will need to make sure that they have adequate records to do so.
“Furthermore, with the reduction of the CGT annual exemption to £3,000, an historic low, many more people will find themselves within the obligation to report and pay CGT for the first time. We are concerned that these individuals will simply not be aware of this requirement and will be hit by unexpected HMRC tax and penalty charges, perhaps several years later, which will come as an unpleasant surprise.
“We call on HMRC to go to greater efforts to make the public aware of their tax obligations surrounding cryptoasset investments and of the lower CGT annual exemption. This includes ensuring people are aware of the need to keep proper records when they start investing in cryptoassets. We are keen to continue working with HMRC on its plans around the taxation of cryptoassets and decentralized finance more widely.
“By making sure as many people as possible are warned of their tax obligations, HMRC will make it more likely that these people pay their taxes, saving themselves having to chase overdue tax.”
We are here to help!
If you want any help working out your crypto tax position or filing accounts and tax returns we can provide a bespoke service to suit your needs. Please get in touch here.
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