BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH – Healthy Culture Wins - Wright Vigar
 In Advice, Blog, Business Bitesize

What happens to your business when you build the trust and social capital of your team?

If your team lack connection, engagement, trust and commitment in their relationships with each other and in the work that they do, your business will struggle.

Building strong social capital and a healthy working culture is vital in the complex and ever-changing world in which your business exists.

When you take the time to create an environment of high trust and team connectedness, you will build a robust, resilient and productive working culture.

In this ‘Healthy Culture Wins edition of Business Breakthrough you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:

  • how spaghetti, tape, string and a marshmallow can demonstrate how connected and trusting your team are
  • the importance of ‘belonging cues’ and how they build a sense of safety for your team
  • how Sandy Pentland and a research team at MIT successfully bring science to the prediction of a healthy working culture

Click here to discover how to take responsibility for creating and nurturing a healthy working culture in your business by building the social capital and trust of your team.

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