COVID-19 Update – New grants for businesses hit by local lockdowns - Wright Vigar
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The government has announced further support to help businesses that have had to shut down due to local lockdowns or targeted restrictions. Where this applies businesses in England will be able to claim up to £1.5k per property every three weeks.

In order to be eligible for the grant, your business must have been required to close due to a local COVID-19 restriction. From the information released we understand the payments will be made as follows:

  • Your business occupies premises with a rateable value less than £51,000 or you occupy a property or part of a property subject to an annual rent or mortgage payment of less than £51,000, you will receive £1,000 for every three weeks you are required to close
  • Your business has a rateable value more than £51,000 or is part of a property subject to an annual rent or mortgage payment of more than £51,000, you will receive £1,500.

We understand that local authorities could add further eligibility criteria as they will be responsible for distributing the grants and these local grants will be treated as taxable income.

Other business affected by closure who are not on the business rates list will also receive additional support through payments from the discretionary fund. These grants will vary from any amount up to £1.5k but could also be less than £1k in some cases.

Please not businesses that are still closed at a national level will not be eligible for this grant.

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