Healthy Workplace Wins - Wright Vigar
 In Advice, Business Bitesize

Have you ever considered how important the workplace culture is to the success and long- term prosperity of your business?

Most business owners only invest time and energy on the practical, easier to measure aspects of their business to improve growth.

However, when you invest time on the values, beliefs and principles of your business, you build a healthy workplace culture and a healthy future for your business.

In this Healthy Workplace Wins edition of Business Breakthrough you will learn, in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea:

  • 4 questions to help you start a healthy ‘values’ conversation in your business
  • how having ‘If God did fast food’ as a guiding philosophy meant healthy and profitable success for one restaurant chain
  • 4 standards to help you assess if your workplace values are strong enough and believable enough

Click here to discover how you and your team can build, maintain and nurture a healthy workplace culture when you commit to your business and behavioural values.


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