Its good to have your head "in the cloud" - Wright Vigar
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At Wright Vigar we are urging businesses (and individuals) to take the eleventh-hour headache out of dealing with your future tax returns.

In a drive to encourage small firms and personal clients to ease the annual craziness that comes with the last-minute filing of tax returns, Luke Quintana Baker, our Technology Consultant , is promoting the benefits of Cloud-based accounting.

“After yet another frenetic year end, which saw us dealing with many last minute returns for clients, and in some cases included going through “shoeboxes” of invoices and receipts, we feel now is the ideal moment to encourage people to make a change for the better” said Luke.

“For some time we have been talking to clients about the plus points of using Cloud-based programmes, and offering ongoing support, in a bid to make life easier for them and their accountant.”

“All you need is your laptop, tablet or smartphone and internet access, it is that simple.”

“Being able to stay on top of your financial affairs and tax situation while you are perhaps lazing on the beach, chilling out in the back garden or down at the playpark with your children, actually makes sound sense.”

“By using “real time technology” – and allowing your accountant shared access to your account – both sides have up-to-date information at their fingertips. It can also be much more cost-effective for the client and does away with that pressure-filled year-end problem,” added Luke.

If you would like any more information on the Cloud-based software options available to you please contact us on 01522 531341 we would be delighted to hear from you!


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